There were those graduations, but Taka and Zen also returned to Japan to celebrate our marrying in California in December, on the Japan side of the Earth!
I had to joke about how Taka was getting to introduce his new, old wife!!

Meeting Taka's relatives wasn't bad, except for my Japanese not being good enough to speak properly with them. His Aunts and Uncles were very kind and friendly enough. And they noticed and appreciated Taka's having become a more talkative soul! Quite unlike his father, with whom I've never felt comfortable enough with to have much of any kind of conversation. Attribute that to the fact that he just sincerely seems unable to feel comfortable enough to speak. Still I have met his father enough times over the years, and he made it clear he just wanted Taka to already get married and have children. So I have always felt sorry I wouldn't be able to accommodate them that way!

In any case- aside from the fact that I could not speak well enough, I really appreciated Taka's relative's kind reception.
And then it was from there, we went back to Nishio and Kira, to have one of the best parties I've ever experienced!
We met some friends at the Lynx hotel ahead of the party, where a number of us would spend the night.
The room our dear friends reserved for us, VIP, "#2 room"!! made you want to just not LEAVE! The middle of the night bath Taka and I were able to enjoy together overlooking the sea was one of the ultimates!

My daughters insisted on dolling me up! I got beautiful this one beautiful night before getting to revert to the same old me- maybe that's the let down for the grooms!!! A gorgeous bride, then... "back to the old face!".

Our amazing kids and friends- did the true Japanese number!
We walked into a MOCK WEDDING!! With the head priest being my First born son, Ischin!!! In auction-bought priestly attire at that! Even the Christian-like alter- we stood in front of!
His girlfriend had made us a sweet ring pillow for our ceremony in California, though we got it too late for using there- however in Japan it worked gorgeously. We were lead by Ischin's English and Japanese unique sermon to once again band one another!

Our music wishes also were playing out- and another dear friend played his sweet tunes to Ischin's rants!
We even got a hit of that marrying song, once we were told to "seal the deal: with a kiss... and crackers went off, and wonderful dancing tunes came on, flower petals were thrown as we were lead to walk past our friends and family, and around to cut the gorgeous cake!

The array of food was massive- the drink and ensuing music awesome. I have just wishedi it could have been in slow motion.
The flowers, the gifts, the love, it was more than we could ever have asked for!
We had very cool DJ friends of Ischins, and also very cool camera man old friend too (photos have yet to be seen... we wait in anticipation!!).
We hired a bus to take some of us back to the hotel. Others made their ways themselves, and we proceeded to karaoke boxes. Two rooms of amazing singing- lordy people can SING!!!
Cinderella time came around, and we gave into the magic of the night then. If we could have, we would have gone on and on through the night. But we mamged to seal the night , seeing some friends and our kiddies off to their rooms.