I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Monday, November 30, 2009

All the sights!

Well, there are many different sights in Japan for sure. Here are my girls trying to clean out their old house, their father's old house so they can live there again. ( I wouldn't step any closer, too much dust would have triggered an asthma attack for sure)

And THEN Sheon got her nails done!!
A concert, the young new age youth in Japan!!!
And some of us old folks xoxox

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

In Japan, saw "This is it"!!!

So many people I know have gone to see it!!

Sheon and I went to dinner before going to see Michael Jackson's movie. Ohhhh SHABU SHABU and meat in Japan is THE BEST! I want to eat it FOREVER!!


Before we went into the movie theater Sheon got me to make Purikura's with her, she's amazing with that machinery! and the art!!!

The movie theaters are on a small scale. We were there early and could pick where ever we wanted to reserve our seating. Got to have tickets with seat numbers here! Hey- check out the spirit orb in the middle of the photo! (click on the photo and you can see it up close)

It's so gorgeous to see from outside the front of our school-house. Upstairs, where Ischin is living now, with the light shining through the shoji, one of the best sights!

I couldn't really take a better lit photo, oh well, just to give you an idea~

Thursday, November 12, 2009

SYLVESTER Cat in Japan~~

In front of our school-house

This cat is getting SO much loving with Elaine and Brad here!!!

Of course with Sheon-chan too~

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Welcome-to-Japan (and to my school) Party for the new (and LAST) teacher I would hire

Yaari, and Hiromi, Shuji, Syvester cat, Hiroaki, and the new teacher and her husband.

The Kato's and~

Kazuko brought along her good friends!!

And George came by too. George taught for me- how many years did we figure out? About 11 years ago?!

And our dear long time friends and students the Sugisakis, Tomomi, Suzuyo and Nachi
HARU MAKI!!!! Our landlord made it for our potluck was DELICIOUS!!!

And this RICE!! It's called "SEKIHAN" I thinkおいしかった!!!There also was chocolate cake and strawberries and japanese marshmellows decorated with some pretty green leaves! THANK YOU Kazuko's friends

Here's what I made- banana bread, some with chocolate chips... yes, that's Trader Joe's coffee in the background, yes, that's my glass of Kirin beer... yes, this little tray of cake is the quickest way to bake it...
in this tiny oven! Two trays can fit in. Everyone will tell you it turns out WONDERFULLY tasty! I've got it DOWN!

Friday, November 6, 2009

One week back in Japan trying to REGROUP!

My English school in Japan has suffered~
I trusted the teacher who worked for me the past three and a half years to carry on while I was away.
But our school and our students were burnt.
I've spent the last week in this predicament, trying to figure out how to proceed.
Thank god for family and friends.
Thank the spirits above, a new teacher and her good husband have come and are ready to do the best they can to breath life back into this situation!!
I was in the middle of paperwork today, recalculating the work of the last teacher and could figure it out, and could STOP feeling so angry and upset because she will pay for the mess she left behind.

a photo in the middle of the work. feeling happier finally!