I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Sunday, June 27, 2010

At UCSB three day tournament

This gymnasium is HUGE! SIX courts!!!
This particular court in the photo is above the others, see the guys looking over the railing down on the four at the other courts? And across the way is another 2nd floor court.
Zen's playing so well, but it's the WHOLE TEAM, Santa Cruz High School team...
And they're even missing at least three other good players! But ten boys here (4 1/2 hours south of Santa Cruz.
Today is Sunday morning, two games Friday, and three on Saturday, they won all five.
Sunday...11 am, a win puts the winner in the final....
so for now~ as we head out to see them go at it again~ 2 B Continued....

Thursday, June 17, 2010


These plates I made, well, the kids made and I
HAD made as presents, were at Mom's house. I love seeing these at different places. Now we have some in California, some are at Megumi house in Japan (my school-house), and Parlor Shine...I did well, huh? Got them around. Four kids, over a number of years. They were awesome artists so~

made gorgeous presents!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zen@ 2007 and almost two, and three years later~

Zen, playing for the All-Japan Jr.NBA in Japan
January 2007

And then for the Santa Cruz Cardinals almost two, then three years later.

We watched a number of fellow players mess up their ankles. Finally we invested in these braces that Zen pretty much always laces, and straps on all of the time before playing now.
Got to do all we can for those powerful legs of this boy. I was remembering about ten years ago when one old friend, Eneida~ YOU!! who used to teach for me in Japan. She was walking behind Zen and exclaimed over his legs THEN! How she'd never seen such muscular legs on a boy as young as Zen. About 7 years old then. That's when HE noticed them too! ; )

Hey, here's a self portrait of the son's caretakers! Me and Taka~honey~

Friday, June 4, 2010

Family living too far away~apan

Oh my girls!! At least we got to see them via Skype the other day (see Taka and me in the corner of the pic when we were talking with them?! For FREE! For those of you who don't know~ FREEEEEEE via computer)

I'm not in Japan for my girls and oldest boy, and I'm not usually able to go to PA to see Mom, Carl and stepdad Frank...I'm so grateful for airplanes, computer, TECHNOLOGY!!!!

Awww Mom!!!!