TAKOYAKI!!!! Ohhh after not having eaten takoyaki for such a long time, and on this cold, windy afternoon, when my Takahiro and I were so hungry having circled Nagoya for more than an hour around a marathon being run~ these tasted HEAVENLY!!!
True, it did take me a number of years to get used to the sight of octopus legs, and eating them.
500 yen equals about $6.00 today for those eight takoyaki balls, which we could choose to have KAGOME sauce put on them (like worcestershire sauce) or Soy Sauce. Also we can have mayonnaise added, or not...and then spicy SHICHIMI "7 spices" (or was it ICHIMI? "ONE spice"?) also added.
Below you can see this little space heater with a pot of, probably water, heating. The heater is supposed to help those workers feel some warmth!
Now, one new production has been going on!
Good ol' Ischin~ he is now a beer brewer!!!
He knows how to make his mom happy too! In our little kitchen I got to watch some of the production. His careful cleaning and measuring~
And then in this tank, he next has to watch that it ferments properly. He bought a little hot carpet to keep it sitting on top of~ and wrapped a warm blanket around the tank. The beer he'd capped and served to us had been GREAT!!! His father is a coffee roaster, now Ischin is a beer brewer! I'll take the beer over the coffee any day!