This is from about half an hour from our home. Mikawa Bay.
Up on this hill is the "eating establishment" called SAN GANE SAN
Up on this hill is the "eating establishment" called SAN GANE SAN
This is one of the "rooms". There are perhaps thirty of these around the mountainside of this old style restaurant
Inside we cook on a Hibachi, see, we have large paper napkins(with advertising all over it) on our laps to deal with our inadequate chopstick use! Veggies, pork, mutton, and/or beef...and quail's eggs~and rice, pickles, tea-soup with seasoning FURIKAKE, and of course, beer.
This photo was from a little while ago. (And in one of the larger rooms) Not this trip...this trip Anita, on the left WILL be RETURNING to our town of Nishio mid April to work with my school. Amy- in the middle, I couldn't get her back yet.
That day while walking around, we peeked into this unused building. Ohhh, to be here at night! You can't imagine NOT getting other worldly entertainment!
I haven't gotten to take many photos this trip yet,but Taka and I went to this one home the beginning of this trip, where a man is making "rocket stoves" which don't release as many fumes~
I haven't looked into them in detail but sounds like the way to go.
I haven't looked into them in detail but sounds like the way to go.
His place is in Nagoya. It's so cool to find a YARD like this in the middle of the city.
He even had a "TREE HOUSE" in his yard (well, almost a house). A tree house was always something I wanted my kids to get to play in when they were little.
I was looking back at some of my oldest photos on my computer. Just before leaving Japan, four years ago, April, this was Zen one last time with his basketball team mates. Their sayonara throw.