The seagulls I love...I know many people think of them negatively~because of THIS. Here at the dump, I have to admit feeling uncomfortable about those birds. Can you see how they are EVERYWHERE?!!
How this works is that we pay beforehand. We drive up to this space- large space of land- and back in. Taka's on the truck unloading our household wastes. The cute, young, woman next to us had paid to empty her car of her mattress and bed frame~
At this dump we also paid to trash the broken washer and dryer.
Since in our new home, we don't pay to have dump tucks take our trash away, we pay much less by doing this by ourselves. It's a very "enlightening" experience, seeing how our trash gets managed.
In another vein~~
A little while ago, at the mobile home park where Grandmom lives, a new home was being trucked in. We got to watch it being assembled. It was a long process~ and crowds gathered to watch the event.
The first half of the house had been set in...
...we got to see the second half lowered in.
Quite a production!
This is how it looked the next day:
Perhaps two or three weeks later, after all the landscaping...two cars could also squeeze into the parking. Grandmom swore she couldn't see how they could do that!
Grandmom gets Uncle Lynn's landscapers taking care of her yard~ (including Taka)