I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Friday, August 22, 2008

All Four of My KIDS!!!! (new title!)

Ischin's trip was short but sweet! He left back for Japan 8/11~
After saying "bonne voyages" I MADE my kids~ Zen, Sheon and Naomi do a tiny bit of sight seeing in San Francisco. Only the Wharf, and found JOHNNY DEPP there!!!
Well, this Wax Museum was fun enough! Most Japanese still don't know this famous painting, American Gothic

Look!!! See, a few days later I found this collage at a friend's workplace!  I've collected lots of photos of take offs- you know- like Pau Newman and his wife holding... popcorn or something!
Or even a photo my aunt made of my Uncle and his wife in that position...

Ahhh, but back at the wax museum- three beauties all together!!
Maybe this was one of Taka's highlights- having these two sweeties working on his hair!!
We have to use a pay phone to call to Japan, making sure the girl's dad would be picking them up from the airport in Japan when they arrived.
And then yesterday monring~ We were standing in line to check in baggage when both girls started hugging little bro!
It made me all tear up~ I'll see the girls soon, but Zen won't for a little while~we're trying to figure out how soon they can see each other again. 

1 comment:

MomO said...

Wow! What a beautiful family! Great looking and so loving. How can this be real!! But I know it is.

Love, MomO