I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday in the Woods

Naomi and Sheon~ all over Zen~he loves it~ THEY love it!

Out in this gorgeous fresh air...the girls can't help but have to smoke...
Zen's their chauffeur~ happy boy! And happy girls!!

Last night we had some friends over, and lots of food~Aria-tachi from San Francisco..her friend to her left below, and Nahshon!
 Nahshon's mama Ana~dear

Also to join us was Aria's PAPA VICTOR all the way down from San Fran, along with wifey-poo EIKO!!!! Also there, childhood friend to our children: Kamaria, and with Taka's workmate Kenny,
YES, Eiko made it out of the city for some fun! Eiko, with the wine below, in the hot tub with some of the girls.

Then there was Free and Karl come for the GIRLS! Nah, the food, the air, for all of us~ they came to "reunite" with their partying buddies!
And Taka's cousin Yota and family, Marina, Noah, and Luke from Los Gatos.

How many more times can we do this? Wishing for MANY more times!!!

We just need our missing child, ISCHIN!!!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Random Sweet Fun Things Happening!

Naomi-chan made this for me for my birthday~ recently! Look! I can post it here, you can watch and hear it too! SO cute!!!
[ They said "Happy Birthday Mama.... I love you" as they hopped up and down!]

Recently it was Ischin's 28th birthday too. He's in Japan~ but at least we got to send him some wine he could celebrate from us with. His darling girlfriend made his birthday dinner for him too.
In January Mom went to Haiti with her Church group, to work and help the community they have been keeping in touch with and sending aid to since their devastations from awhile back. I saw her group on line during a conference call I listened in on. Good ol' Mom, off in foreign countries helping people TOO!  (Mom's all the way to the right in front) 

Taka and I met our great friend Misa up in the Bay area,

where she introduced us to her friends~ also from Japan! We had a gorgeously fun evening out with Len, his wife Naomi and Misa. I love going out!!!! (Sorry Taka, I know home's so comfy)

Recently I saw this light shining on the wall in our kitchen...I was trying to figure out where it was coming from. The next day again, it was shining in about 11am....(see a little bit on the door, and reflecting by the round cutting board?)THEN I looked up from the other direction through the windows and I SEE, a LITTLE bit of the SUN shining through the corner of the kitchen windows through the trees!!! I SEE! The sun is coming in at a different angle as spring comes. This is our first Spring here.

Over from the other direction of the yard, the Sun shines from high above!

The Plum Tree, the BLOSSOMS have been blooming for about ten days now. All around town...it's so early! Not even mid-February yet.

The sweet peas I planted back in the beginning if October are reaching to the top of the fence Taka built. And are BLOOMING too! Even I've seen two sweet peas grown (tho a sad color~ not looking edible)

January 29th, Taka and I were some of the people who got tickets soon enough to enjoy 
Chris Rene from the X FACTOR at the "Homecoming" for him at the Civic in Santa Cruz for the VERY cool young man!   Ahhhh, speaking of COOL~ DJ GINA and David there making the concert even BETTER! xoxoxo

Sunday, February 5, 2012

News from Taka about Basketball and Zen

2月にはいったばかりなのに 桜も咲く春模様    
さて今週は厳しい アウェーの戦いが2試合つずきました 全はスターターとして出場し、 チームも見事にかちつずけてます。

特に昨夜の ゲームは 今シーズン ベストなインパクトでしたね
センターの子も ボックスエリア外のミドルシュートの精度があがりオフェンスの幅が広がり チームもパスまわし合って
全も ディフェンスをみて 切り込んで ジァンプシュートを沈め  前半15点差を保ち 後半へ

オフェンスチァージも毎試合1回平均で取るかんじで 手首もテービングはしてるものの ほぼいいでしょう。
センターが ダブル にきて、相手ディフェンスの目が中にきをひかれた瞬間 切り込んで パスをうけとり レイアップ。

20点差を行ったり来たりして 残り5分は控えに交代 良い形で 残り3試合。
最終戦の トップチーム ライバル カブリオに paybackするおぜんだては ちかずいてきてる。

8点、5、6アシスト 3、4リバンド 2.3スティール 3タンノーバー 26、7分てなとこでしょうか。
Zeneral time