I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday in the Woods

Naomi and Sheon~ all over Zen~he loves it~ THEY love it!

Out in this gorgeous fresh air...the girls can't help but have to smoke...
Zen's their chauffeur~ happy boy! And happy girls!!

Last night we had some friends over, and lots of food~Aria-tachi from San Francisco..her friend to her left below, and Nahshon!
 Nahshon's mama Ana~dear

Also to join us was Aria's PAPA VICTOR all the way down from San Fran, along with wifey-poo EIKO!!!! Also there, childhood friend to our children: Kamaria, and with Taka's workmate Kenny,
YES, Eiko made it out of the city for some fun! Eiko, with the wine below, in the hot tub with some of the girls.

Then there was Free and Karl come for the GIRLS! Nah, the food, the air, for all of us~ they came to "reunite" with their partying buddies!
And Taka's cousin Yota and family, Marina, Noah, and Luke from Los Gatos.

How many more times can we do this? Wishing for MANY more times!!!

We just need our missing child, ISCHIN!!!


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