I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Monday, March 5, 2012

March~ and so much "in the air"

The girls got here from Japan. Within days they got CA. Ids...but also
  surprise surprise
The SELECTIVE SERVICE writes to Sheon telling her to register for the draft. "Welcome to America, we want to send you away to make you fight foreign lands and foreign people for us, die for America-well 'die for freedom' "
(what happened to the freedom of that 
choice of whether to kill or not?)

 Sheon actually doesn't have to register. Being female.  I always said to my sons, "Please, rather go to jail than go kill others... that killing of people will torment your souls and your life will forever be...ruined I'm afraid"

Well, there are very cool things here in the States too, very very cool. Like protecting these fish in their acquarioum at a local coffee shop! The note says to not use mobile phones (k-tais) when sitting by the fish cause the fish are sensitive!

Speaking of ENERGY
I really really love this: a knife sharpening man at the health food store New Leaf near Grandmom's.
He's using SOLAR ENERGY to sharpen the tools. I've seen him at different farmer's markets. I love, lOVE this! I think one day when I have extra bucks I must take our knives to him.   

And then back at home... OSHIRUKO!!! Mochi with sweetened adzuki beans in Japan we could cook mochi on top of our stove...but here we can only use the toaster- still- it kind of worked!
Naomi cut it up into little pieces, and made...bowls...of the traditional winter DELICACY!
The mochi was hot!!

But it made everyone HAPPY!

On February 26th Taka and Naomi headed back to Japan. Sheon stayed with me. Naomi has a full time job she really cares about. Taka's returned to check in on his father, and do taxes.
("EASTside" is the look!?!)

Sheon has begun classes at Cabrillo College....Spring is in the air, 
veggies are growing for our salads, and we look forward to Taka's return.

Life is changing here~ growing and learning in many ways. 
I give the greatest thanks that Sheon never speaks of regrets about being here. For her to make this amazing move away from the country she was born and raised in, is very strong of her. Sheon is considered to be an "out of state" student so paying for her classes is about 10 x more expensive than residents of California. 
And then also there have been some other unexpected expenses...
We anticipate a happy "ending"!
So do come back to hear our continuing saga! xoxoxox

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