Well, this isn't very pretty! Taka and I stayed at a hotel in Las Vegas- and like many hotels, the first floor is the casino.
It's about holding your nose and getting through to the exit as fast as possible! This photo was taken at 8am. The parking lots are already full by then- my flash mistakenly was set and went off, and a cop was right on me telling me I couldn't take photographs! "oops" I said! I smiled, he smiled and I was out of there! I got my "evidence"!
Taka and I did absolutely nothing on "The Strip" except drive in to drop off the ball players, drive out, then in and out a few days later to say "bye" to them. They have continued on to Los Angeles for their next tournament from 7/27.
It's sincerely hard to "do justice" taking photographs of the players working so hard at their games. But I love photography, and Zen does appreciate nice shots too~ so, I hope you can enjoy- and don't forget to double click on the photos and see Zen up close (#22). He's the Captain, and "a natural born Point Guard" his Coach told me.
People are talking!!!
Ahhh, and of course, not forgetting- Zen's team, West Valley, they lost the 2nd place tournament- but they played so well, and Coaches and players alike were happy.
Nevada is a hot, stark reality. A strange place. One neighborhood Taka and I found a man-made lake on- though there were no people the whole hour we were there. It reminded me of the movie "The Freeman Show" with Jim Carey!
We were very happy to head back into California. These wind... what are they called?! Not windmills! Energy producing wind-fans?! are also an odd sight, but somehow VERY much better feeling than where we stayed for three nights in Las Vegas.