I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There was a stone in my salivary gland!!

A Stone in the Salivary Gland~
It took 24 hours after starting antibiotics to pop out the stone from the salivary gland from under my tongue.

What happened:
Wednesday, June 15th, 2011, I felt my left lymph gland in my neck was swollen. It happens about twice a year, perhaps from getting run down, drinking too much, and I usually feel like I’m on the verge of getting sick.
I’d gone for a full check up about a year ago at the urging of a friend, and was fine.
But on this evening of the 15th I noticed that inside my mouth, under my tongue on the left side was sore and swelling too. Eating was becoming uncomfortable.
Thursday morning, out for a birthday brunch for my son, it really hurt to eat. I had to chew slowly, and couldn’t eat much. I began to notice that my lymph would swell, and inside on the underside of my tongue too, was swelling every time I ate something. Drinking didn’t seem to bother me as much. The swelling and pain would pretty much go away when I wasn’t eating.
Thursday night, my son’s birthday bash was going to go down, and we were packing to leave the next morning to go camping. I knew I could be in trouble~ I googled “pain and swelling under the tongue” and read that my salivary gland could be blocked. It was about 8pm. I went to the Urgent Care.
I got to see Dr. Karl Segnitz, who helped me with an infected bed warmer burn on my foot more than a year ago. (I met him also when 91 year old Grandmom was sick a little bit back. She remembers and likes him too).
The doctor said I was right, and that dehydration probably caused it. A stone in my salivary gland. He tried to get it out, couldn’t, and prescribed antibiotic “AMOX TR-K CLV 875-125 mg tablets” to take twice a day. 20 tablets. Ten days?! Also painkillers, I didn’t think I wanted, but then changed my mind when later Thursday night, and the next morning when the pain was so bad after eating again (The pharmacy’s PC went down when they were trying to fill the prescriptions Thursday night- I had to go back the next morning, tho they gave me 4 tablets for until I’d return).
I was also told to gently massage from my throat, along the underside of my jaw, out to the front of my mouth, to try to help get the stone out. And to use a warm compress. If the stone didn’t come out in a few days, I would need to go to the hospital to have it removed, the Doctor said.
I couldn’t imagine it was honestly like a stone. I hadn’t thought to ask the Doctor whether the antibiotics were going to help dissolve the stone~ or what? The pharmacist didn’t know either. And everyone I told about this, no one has ever heard of it.
About 13 or 14 hours after going to Urgent Care, while we were driving to Mendocino county through San Francisco, I tried to eat again, and the pain brought me to tears. I hadn’t taken pain killers but it felt like I would want to-maybe.
I kept drinking lots of water and massaging… and I actually ate a bunch of a sesame stick snack about an hour and a half after that tear jerking pain. Surprise, I didn’t have the same pain! (I was hungry!!) Also my lymph swelling seemed to be staying down.
We got to the campsite, and set up camp. I wasn’t uncomfortable…and I could drink without pain. And then, Friday night, about 24 hours after the first antibiotic on Thursday night, I was running my tongue down around the sore area and the stone popped out!
It really WAS like a stone. Or like a miniature tooth, about a cm round? It looked a little like a mini piece of popcorn, but like a tooth, it had some sharp edges, as roots do, three of them. THAT’S what all that pain was about! From then on, all was fine. My lymph swelling proceeded to go down and go away.
Thanks Doc!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sierra Nevada World Music Festival June 17th-19th, 2011

We left cool Santa Cruz with Joe and Zen in our Suburu for the four hour drive to BOONVILLE, California, in Mendocino County~for MUSIC!!! We warmed up (with the weather) as we got closer to the festival site~June 19th-21st. Vineyards look so beautiful~ohhh California~
And seeing bales of hay always makes me feel....good~

our lovely, trusty ol' '94 Subaru, made it with our huge load
and when we were finally parked, everyone jumps out to set up their camps as quickly as possible tho

Zen and Joe set up a little ways away~

There were two stages again~ this smaller one's called the Village Stage (the larger is the Valley Stage). I loved their little bamboo fencing
and the little boy, and my big boy sitting on a cool tree stump of a seat!

The HAIR DOS! The woman with the feathers, when she danced those feathers fluttered in the wind.

SOOOO many children wore these "ear protecters", ear "muffs"?! I don't know what they're called, but a very nice idea!!

The food...expensive, and so-much-of it, was everywhere. It was hard NOT to indulge.

I never have seen people trying to light a smoke with a magnifying glass! True...to make a fire, I've seen it~ I was impressed actually... lighting this way to be natural?!

We found this woman Barbara who we met last year when we were with Sayoko-tachi!
Barbara is a faithful concert goer~ and supporter of many people and causes, including the people she bought this coffee from.

Toot's and the Maytal's were the highlight for us~ though Coli Budd's band was NICE!
I loved seeing all the young people loving the old bands we grew up loving.
I got turned onto Toot's for the first time right here in Santa Cruz when I was a new College student in 1980, so~ it brings back real good, nostalgic feelings!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Kids

2011 balloons from Zen and Joe's graduation~ they are STILL floating in the air TODAY, the 24th! TWO weeks after graduating. Got our money's worth~(they were $50.00!!)

Sheon's birthday was June 18th, she turned 22! Naomi-chan made the ice cream cake Sheon likes...Taka, Zen and I missed being there to celebrate : (

Ischin plays guitar now too! It had been gathering dust in the corner of his room for a while~ I can't wait to HEAR him!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Santa Cruz High GRADUATES! June 10th, 2011

The kids and teachers all were "up above" waiting until the time to descend upon all of us below~

And below, Cabrillo College Stadium:

The ceremony went on for two hours. It really was wonderful. And tho it was so sunny, there was a slight breeze. It was pretty much perfect except for no sisters or brother of Zen's being there, or any of our other blood relatives! xoxox

Zen got to walk between two of two of his best friends, Cody Love and Joseph Marden, on their way to getting their diplomas!

With Mr. Free, who was the keynote speaker! Can't get better than him!!!
Well, Obama would be close! xoxox

Then back to our place to eat, drink, celebrate them and us, and be even more merry~
Akilah celebrating the boys~
Taylor back from U.C.Berkeley and in town, and Iggy graduated from Soquel too~
Iggy's Mom Patty, and brother Willy~Akilah along with Willy and Nahshon~
I want to close out this entry with these two pictures Zen drew in one of his last classes at Santa Cruz High~ so, in thanks to his school too!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting ready for ZEN & JOE'S GRADUATION PARTY!!! 6/10/2011

This is looking up the road from the entrance to our driveway~ 
Having a handy man is one of the best things in THE LIFE!
They were putting down more gravel at the entrance to our driveway.

Then we had this tub~
and once I got it cleaned out...

...a hot tub man came through, and after a few days of filtering and all~ now we have the heavenly luxury of taking hot tubs any time of day we desire.
At night...when I look up at the trees surrounding the house, they appear to be hugging our home. It's so beautiful!