I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Friday, January 13, 2012

January at home~ in Aptos

We got some mochi going- again!!!

 Maybe it was the brand of mochi...it didn't cook so well.
It wasn't like the mochi we've had in Japan~ or the cooking method was the problem?!
I love this stuff~ YAMAIMO! Slimy potatoes...it's what I was holding, and then after cutting it into bite size pieces, with SHOYU and KATSUOBOSHI (shaved bonita)~ QUITE the appetizer! Margi and Tim visited from Oregon, and got to try it, and I got their thumbs up on it AND NATTO!!!

Yes, we got to hang out for the first time since 1982 Margi figures! That was when she came through Santa Cruz and met up with me last- since our '80 HS graduation.
Margi and her man Tim were on their way south to LA, and had two nights sleep, some good food (I must admit) and GREAT catching up! 

It's our first winter in our house on Porter Gulch. The sun never shines on the yard now. It's constantly wet. But, these sweet peas are still growing! And FLOWERING!
I keep helping them grow UP the poles. I keep winding twine up the "fencing". Yes, I still hang laundry outside. After two days it does get dry! I do what Japanese would never do, leave it hanging outside all night long! For NightS!!! 

Daikon grows! 
I don't know how much underground it's grown...
MISUNA...that skinny leaf isn't growing well. And I think it's slugs that like it. So I'm trying beer~ they like beer and drown in it I've heard. Most of what's drowned tho are black bugs...I don't know if they have been eating my pitiful veggies...Mushrooms are growing everywhere
I don't know what mushrooms are edible, no idea, and am not interested in experimenting with them

Taka got our first cold frame built! 

Soon I will plant seeds in little pots.
I hope the cold frame will help keep seedlings a little warmer...not sure it can/will~ we'll see.
Maybe the sun will shine again, more and more in our yard and on our home, come...March? Not until April? It was shining in our kitchen windows last May when we moved in~~

Zen's MPC Lobos team vs. San Jose January 11, 2012

Zen hasn't gotten to play recently because of a kind of tendonitis in his wrist. But after a few weeks off, he's back playing. The team lost this game, but Zen played well.

Below are some photos I got~~
 I love this photo~ #32 and #23 

 ~these boys sitting all squished together~ don't seem to mind.
Their head Coach sitting to the far left: Blake Spiering.
 Above, #40 Andrew Young~ is being sought after big time~ http://www.montereyherald.com/sports/ci_19726489

Below, Shayne Perryman, who played with Zen for 3 or 4 years, on a summer league team.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 has gone, 2012 is here!

really from January 23rd, since this is the Chinese calendar we're talking about

Since May, when we moved onto Porter Gulch, we have driven past this deer warning sign. I looked forward to Christmas to share this picture! I also posted this pic on Facebook and someone commented "Reindeer Crossing"! 

For my 50th

Zen and Taka really surprised me with flowers and a cake.
No, I didn't do anything big for myself. I would have partied at a party for me if others had started one, but...nah~ make it big and it would feel big. So many people don't want to really think about being 50 years old. I think about it a little...well, maybe a little more than a little!

For Christmas season I brought this toilet paper back from Japan!!!

Christmas morning Zen and I visited Grandmom and her doggies. Lynn was there cooking Christmas dinner too.

Ahhh, over  Zen's winter break he surprised me by agreeing to play Scrabble with me~ then he went and beat me!!! I'm impressed~ happy for him~ sad for me! He says he's regularly playing "words with friends" on his phone. It does appear to help.

With my birthday money, I splurged on the recently for sale again- Japanese Dot shirts! Taka and I had missed getting one of these a few years ago. They were sold out. Now they are being printed again!

AND a special treat~ see Taka and me in the little corner picture of a picture below? With Eiko and John in Hawaii, we got to skype-talk!!!
That was mostly what the "holy-day" season was about this year! Hoping for a wonderful 2012 to all!