I keep this blog for friends, family and students in Japan& the U.S.

Since Spring '07, Zen and Taka moved to California full time for Zen's basketball career. I'm in California most of the time right now too. Almost every day I go to help my Grandmom. She was born in 1919. Taka and I also get to work for Uncle Lynn's landscaping company. Santa Cruz, California. As beautiful as ever. However I still feel homesick for Japan~~

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Having to leave PA back to CA

Below, the "morning after" with Carl, Mom and Frank...Saturday May 15th on our way to the airport, both Carl and I were leaving PA

Check it out... my suitcase wasn't staying locked shut. I had EXACTLY 50 pounds, the limit. I ended up taping it shut. Guess it's gotten over used by about now.

But here we were the night before!!! Dwayne's birthday and all the friends we got together to celebrate with!!! At Whiptain Tavern

It was such a great trip, I don't remember taking a trip away from Taka and NOT being ready to get back to him SOONER. But this trip...I was having so much fun...I could have stayed longer. There's NOTHING like finding you're still friends with your oldest of acquaintances~and there's nothing like reminiscing together! Special beyond belief!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

At Amie Scott's new home in Collegeville, PA.

Amie awes me~
this is her front yard!
My friend from grade school....

but she and my younger sister became best of friends, tho now she and I have more in common~
Well, "in common" hmmmmmm~
She has managed to buy a home, a FARM really~
she brought home these chicks the day we visited! AND two chickens!
She's got the kind of life now so many of us dream of! True, her girls (shoot, I missed getting pics of the two beauties) are younger than mine, I am glad to be ahead of her there!
But look at this home sweet home! And CHECK OUT the COOL ORBS, those positive spirits that live with them in this gorgeous home!!! (her daughter says they are usually in her photos in the house too!)

Mom, Frank and I went a'visiting on this day~ Amie's moved in only since last Fall~
and we got to have dinner together with
another old buddy, Denise Zumpano Naylor, and on my left is their good friend Barbra, and Amie there with her woofer~
This was another of the highlights of my Pennsylvania trips!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

In PA. and visiting~ family, friends~~

Dwayne Holmes and John Hickey!!! There used to hang out when they were LITTLE, they told me it had been years since they'd met. John had been taking me on a tour of the town I grew up in, around Ambler. And we got to stop by our old High School Wissahickon and met Dwayne there.

Nancy and Carlos Thillet, Nancy, she told me that when she met me on the first day of 4th grade, the very first thing I said to her was "My parents are getting divorced". I guess it's been just IN me to be OUT there with pretty much everything.

At my sister's home- GEESE, pretty, scary GEESE!

Mom and I went to my sister Janet's place. I thought this decoration outside was a plan, but then realized it was honestly a holder for BBQ utensils.
We noticed this gorgeous photo of my sister Janet from her younger, younger years. I wondered what guy she was making that look at. But no, it was "just" her girlfriend Amie.
I visited at my stepmom's, in Morrisville PA. Overnight, a gorgeous dinner and lazy time.
At Mom and Frank's, Carl came from Nashville to hang out for a few days. My little brother is now 41!!!

And then the best "babysitter" we ever had, Dennie Green (Buchanan) came for dinner~ Mom and Frank make the "handsomest" spreads!
...then by the fireplace since Pennsylvania had become so COLD! And it was May 12th!!!

Next day, beautiful, warm and out for a walk around Mom's.
Mom and Rosco

Thursday, May 13, 2010

George School 30th Reunion May 2010

It looks like about half of our classmates made it for our 30th reunion! It was an absolutley wonderful weekend, windy as heck, and COLD~

This below is the G.S. Quaker Meeting House, where we did get together for a sort of assembly actually.
from there we walked back up to the main Buildings
My roomy for this weekend, Becky Paxton

dinner out at the Temperance House

And this is Pineapple Hill Inn where Becky, and I, along with another of our classmates, Eric Machlup stayed Friday and Saturday nights.
Becky and Eric entertained me over two mornings of breakfast~~Becky looked to have slept like a queen!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Gone EAST, to the East Coast that is~~ Penn~syl~vanIA

I left for Pennsylvania Thursday, May 5th. A plane ticket cost $150. along with some mileage points. I wanted to spend time with my Mom, my sister, but also
then there was going to be my 30TH High School reunion at George School.
Here, below, at my Mom's in Devon PA. There is SO much green: forests, and just "GREEN"!

Mom takes out their dog Rosco, the adorable boy. After tennis balls! He would perhaps NOT stop running for an hour if you kept going. Not that that would be good for him!
It was Friday. Mom took me over to HEIDI GARIS'S, well Rogerio and Titanni's and Heidi's (and their two doggie's) home in Sellersville PA!!!
I have seen Heidi once since she left Nishio Japan about ten years ago. This was an overdue visit! I was amazed to find one of her dogs,who I'd babysat- no "dogsat" in Japan, still alive in PA!
From there my dear old friend from George School, Michelle Calvert (far left) took me and another friend Debi to her Mom's house!!! Oh MARGOT'S HOUSE one fo the most WONDERFUL women I know!!! I swear~~~ NOT enough time!! Nor wine or...beer! xoxox

With Michelle's bro Phillip next to Debi, and Michelle's darling hubby, Brian at the far right.

Wait, wait, wait. You have to check out these photos at Margot's.

It's not in the above photo taken moments earlier, but below~ An ORB!!! That's one happy spirit that wanted to join in with us~ SO cool there on that good man's shoulder! LOVE those presences!!! (Yep that's me too, pretty close to the vibes of the Orb!)